Tuesday, June 7, 2011

doubling well

For some reason, I can't cut and paste or save and insert the hCG graph from babymed.com/tools/hcg-calculator, but Friday (15DPO) was 174 and Monday was 534. That's doubling every 44.5 hours and right on the "max" (for singletons) line. So far, so good. I'm sleepy all the time now, and my waist has already nearly disappeared. I think I've gained a pound or so, but it's hard to tell since "normal" kind of disappeared as soon as I started lupron.

My first OB ultrasound is scheduled for 6/17, but my babysitters (my parents) just informed me yesterday that they'll be out of town that day. I need to reschedule or find someone else to watch Charlotte for a 7AM appointment. Maybe her old daycare isn't full that early on a Friday. I don't want to delay the u/s. I'm eager to see that everything is as it should be.


  1. I've been eagerly awaiting the official update. Such great news! They sound like excellent, strong beta numbers! Congrats!

  2. that's wonderful news! Congrats again, you must be so thrilled!

  3. I am so very happy for you! GO DOUBLING!
    Hope you can keep the 17th US and so very very very very happy for your great news!
