No matter how well I know that it's just too too early for a +HPT, I could not resist that one leftover pee-stick that's been sitting in my linen closet for nearly two years. Of course, it was negative. It also expired nearly a year ago. My first +HPT for Charlotte came 9DP3DT, so my initial plan was to wait until Tuesday to test, at 10DP2DT. But I've been feeling *something* for a few days now- a sort of tugging tightness that washes horizontally from just inside my hipbone to the middle of my belly when I sit up abruptly. It's the same sensation I felt while testing out rocking chairs at BRU in late 2009, but not quite as intense. I was actually dreading a + today, believing one this early would surely indicate multiples. I want ONE. I'll take more if that's what happens, of course. But with all the potential complications, I'm hoping for a single healthy embie to have taken root.
I'll probably buy some more HPTs tomorrow, a multi-pack so I can test daily until it's too late to deny the results. Definitely Monday, if not tomorrow.
Meanwhile, I've lost 8 pounds since ER, most of that in just the four days immediately following retrieval. All fluid, I'm sure. I'm still quite bloated, but suspect that's just the enlarged ovaries which will take a while to return to normal. I'd gained about 10 pounds since starting lupron, so weight-wise things are going well.
Happy Memorial Day weekend, everyone.
yay tugging!